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REcheck (resilience check) will assess the preparedness of individuals and groups in a structured way by means of an interactive question and answer process between a REchecker (a trusted and experienced volunteer) and the participants (e.g. household, neighbours, subject related groups). The question and answer process will be facilitated by an electronic REcheck tool deployed on tablets. Different types for accessing different groups (households, neighbours, subject related groups) on grassroots level – the so called REcheck events will be developed and tailored to fit target group, urban setting and cultural context. They will include the REcheck assessment, practical steps for strengthening resilience on an individual level and practical advice on strengthening preparedness and networks in neighbourhoods.

The following results are expected from the project:

  • The REcheck tool, an electronic tool (questionnaire/app) deployed on tablets, which will help to assess  the preparedness of individuals and groups in a structured way.

  • A curriculum for training REcheckers in applying the REcheck tool

  • Different types of REcheck events, which are tailored for accessing specific groups (neighbours, subject related groups such as clubs, co-workers,…) in specific urban settings and cultural contexts are developed. They will include the REcheck assessment, practical steps for strengthening resilience an individual level and practical advice on strengthening preparedness and networks in neighbourhoods.

  • These three components will piloted at REcheck events in and together with cities in the five partner countries.

Project Scope

The partners from 5 different countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia,France and Germany) have been chosen according to their expertise as well as the countries’ geographical scope. The main partners are Red Cross national societies from old and new member states that represent the end users and who have the practical experience when working with the target group and on how to access the communities.

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